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Beginner Yoga Series

Designed for people who have very little to no yoga experience, this series begins by teaching the foundational yoga poses without any complicated yoga sequencing or "choreography." As you learn and become confident in the poses, you'll then learn how to link poses together in a yoga sequence.  By the end of the course, you'll able to follow along to a full hour long yoga class. This 12 week course will help you gently build strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and endurance, with the added benefit of reducing aches and pains in your body. However, this course is not only designed to improve your physical well-being, it also seeks to improve  your mental and emotional well-being. It'll do this through teaching you multiple breathing exercises, meditations, and  have you reflect and process your journey in a journal that coincides with the course. The journal is full of writing prompts to get you thinking and helping you to set achievable goals.  It will also help you track your progress throughout the course. After completing the course, you'll have a full tool bag of practices to help you develop more confidence, strength, flexibility, and peace in both your body and your life. 

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